Thursday, September 18, 2008

virtual keyboard - Is it safe ????

The virtual keyboard of citibank, icici and a whole lot more secure password entries are not to my liking. Well am I a hacker, is not known !! But then this i feel is not secure one bit.
Hey guys do u remember why the password keyd in is shown as "****". Bull shit right. It is simple because an onlooker shouldn't see the password you are typing. All right! accepted tat you are trying to prevent the internet hackers from getting your data through keyboard sniffers. And it absolutely ok for a passby person who peeks - passby peeker* or can make out from the huge fonts in the virtual keyboard, even at miles from your desktop.
Ok Fine we close our monitor while keying in the password, so are you trying to say that if keyboard can be sniffed, can't the mouse be sniffed!!!!!!!

Although not an hacker and a great computer geek, i can clearly see many programs that i have come across that can pin point the cursor location on the screen.

Ok Cool! So you want to say that by swapping the keypad keys everytime we access the login page you are creating some secure stff. You must be kidding right :P

So all that it would probably take an internet hacker ( Not a passby peeker* ) is to take a "print screen" command equivalent when the page gets loaded and save the data onto some file and then capture his mouse click location x,y co-ordinate. And with this data he can even manually find out what location you have clicked the mouse in and what is the key under it!!!!

So whats the logic??? Neither the passby peeker not the great hacker are prevented from password theft. The conventional **** would be better. It is people around you whom you have to be careful of :P

Monday, September 1, 2008

Philosopher or a Psycho analyst !!!

Just woke up someday to realize the great sayings tat I could come up with. Yea this life is like that/this etc. It was the beginning of a journey of life!!! Yea I was a philosopher who was aware of the so called realms of life. The realized its time to get out the shell and always accept things as they are and find a reason for why they are so. Oops then began the second journey psycho analysis, the reasoning...why things are what they are or why they are, etc which dwells into the realms of the mind. I think most of us begin there. I Think "We all are on this earth for a reason, and the beauty of life is we try to find this reason !!!". Then the search for eternal truth continues...
Unlike most of them or rather like most of the egoists!, felt that was a genius by birth but wanted to prove this to the world :-) . Then felt have to prove this time and again until people are convinced that I wasn't a fluke (A). Then realize that its getting real tough to understand the so called "destiny". Then the sudden change in thoughts..Come on it can't be so bad. I mean wat's the fun if everything is pre-decided or is it Decided ???? The word "pre" adds some feelings that this was indeed decided and it was a bad trick played by GOD on us.
Well then the second phase starts psycho analyst. You begin to analyze people successful people at sometimes give up thinking they are wealthier but definitely not more happy than me! They may look healthy but not as me, look at how many nights they have to suffer to keep pace with the world. Why cant they be like me ...normal life...engh at pocket...enjoying..not much responsibilities..sleep for solid 8 hrs. wake up for a flexible working am i successful or wat !!!
Well the fact is we cant fool ourselves for long. Then again get into philosophy. Life is about being happy..its not about money....not about fame...definitely not about chicks :D . All said and done when you land in the later 20s a hole in the mind. Man some kids are really successful in life. There are CEO's at the age of 16- 20. What on earth am I doing, is this wat my life is all about...some 6 figure salary. What about the "do something for myself", "for my country", "make my parents proud" statements that wandered in my mind at a very young age.
Well its not over yet !! Is it !! Well then I realize something that life is not about analysis. Its not about philosophy.
The fact that "I knew all the while that not all things will go the way I want it to, and it did happen that way !!! So this definitely cannot be termed destiny !!!" Well life does unfold the way we expect it to unfold, at the back of the mind !!!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Does freezing the humany body cure AIDS

Few years ago I heard the news that attempts to freeze the human body were on. The implication could be a surgery or space travel. The first thing that struck to me was how the mosquito bite would not cause AIDS. Although I thought this was just an attempt to stop people from dying of heart attacks rather than AIDS. In other words I thought this statement was more of a panic depressor. But I went on to read about whats the reason that mosq cant transmit AIDS. I frankly speaking realized that if the mosquito really bites in the first few seconds of biting a AIDS patient and if the person squats the mosq the blood could get contaminated. But then the defending point was that HIV virus cannot survive the room temperature. Huh !! Then how on earth can a barber cause a HIV spread through a shared razor !!!! Well all said and done. I sometimes realize that its better to accept things as they are, than to use brains and try to disprove it. Well its not spreading that wayz for sure, else by now half of world population would be suffering from AIDS.

Ok now coming straight to the point, the catch is "HIV virus cannot survive the room temperature". Does this freezing the body help in actually terminating the virus. Now let me get a bit more fictional or rather scientific.

Imagine that now the entire body is going to freeze. There is an intelligence in the body that will tell all "our" body cells that dont panic, dont worry I am in control of it. I am doing this for a reason, the reason being "Spot those buggers and destroy them". Now this message can only be inferred by our body cells or the cells that have stemmed from the same stem cells. An intelligence that has developed from over years. The perfect identity system. But then the HIV cannot decode this but only panic. Then it Rests In Peace !!!! Else if the virus is still active we can inject a toxin that will enter the body and this the cells absorb. Since our body cells are almost playing dead, they don't act on this toxin. So they are spared of it. The HIV acts and then reacts. Once the toxins are extracted we just start the system again. The call that can only interact with the cells of our body. The intelligence already exists in the body, just needs to be tapped into !!!!

Finally, what I have discussed is a concept that our body is one unit. It knows each other. We identify each other. There are certain things that we have developed over the years...the understanding..We have to use this understanding to identify the one that does not belong to us. Short list him. !!!! Well I feel that this understanding would be the base-point of the cure if we find it someday ;-)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


We do know what to expect out of a car, good mileage, good looks, good space for yourself and your luggage, safety features, good lights, etc. So in this post we will discuss a few ideas related to CARs that haven't been thought of yet.

1. Sun Protection
This if you carefully analyze could be one of the most obvious facts but ignored to the core feature. For people who travel for work especially in India where the temperatures are high during summer the sun is staring at the front sitters. At any point of time during day the Sun is burning the skins of people making one of the "supposed to be comfy car ride" ends up bathing in the scorching heat of the sun. AC could reduced the effects of the heat but not the skin burn. The cooler glasses on the vehicles cannot be used on the front mirror.
Another perception, what about people who want cant withstand AC ???? People who prefer fresh Natural Air than an Artificial Conditioner.

Simple and profound we are looking at things like
  1. Car design to avoid sunlight entering the car. A square headed design for the roof.
  2. Better Glasses ???? Some R&D, chemists please do your job.
  3. Better seating design - Hmm interesting.
  4. Fixtures on the car that alter only on time of the day or are removable entities that can be used during summer and find the garage otherwise.
  5. Fit a solar heater and use it to pump the AC ;-) Heat -> Energy -> Chill the Heat !!!!!!

Moral of the story, screw up the nature, global warming, global chilling, etc and then find ways to overcome that.
To be honest, the tech advancements have to continue and efforts to reduced the natures should continue as well, one way is to avoid AC, etc and use natural air.

1. Mist formation on the car windows
Another common problem is during rainy season when mist is formed on the window. The obvious reason is temperature outside is lesser than that inside. Yea switch on AC and u could drive the mist away. But how good is the idea of running the AC on a cold day. Yeah anything could be better than riding without seeing :)

So what are we looking at here
  1. The vehicle window certainly needs some work. Where are our basis sciences researchers. Please pull them in for a good idea. We need a glass that doesn't form mist in simple terms. Or u can comment if u have some ideas !!!! Nanotechnology !!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Can the car be designed such that the water is kept out of reach of the glasses. !!!! Seems tough !!! You never know.
  3. Can the wipers be replaced by something state of the art, some laser or nanotechnology !!!!!!!!!!!! Can it do just work and stop damaging the car glasses/panes. Boss at least change the direction in which they move. Cars design has gone generations ahead but the wipers still the same...!!!!
  4. Bosssss Think!!!!!!!!

Keep checking ...something may just flash and in not time u cud have found the next best / next big thing !!!!!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Mobile Phone Stripper.

How often has there been a need to convert the entire mobile to a basic call and sms phone. This includes stripping the phone of the features like camera, recorder, music player, games, internet, bluetooth, infrared all in the name of security. How often have we seen security sticking stickers on the camera, infrared, and asking people to surrender the mobile before visiting places. No I am not referring to people whose intention is to breach security but people who have to go through long queues and procedures and at the end of it all lose the camera due to the sticker. Sounds foolish. We have seen mobile phone jammers that can block all the calls at secure places and government and military establishments.
The solution I am proposing is a jammer similar to the call blocker but a cell phone on exposure to the particular frequency or code can disallow any such insecure or restricted operations like taking a picture at a museum, secure military establishments, temples, etc.

In the simplest of these implementations the phone can work in two modes full mode and the other basic mode ( remember we have a in-flight mode). In the basic mode the security can enter a code or password that will lock the phone from performing non allowed operations.

In the advanced mode it will be deployed like a jammer signal on reception of which the mobile will move the phone into a reduced mode of operation. On reception of another signal it could be unlocked ( placed at exit ). Else it could also be that when this signal is being received the phone will be in reduced mode, when the phone is no longer under influence of this signal it will turn into a full mode mobile phone.

This design can be complicated by allowing disabling of particular operations in the phone- camera only, bluetooth, data transfer, infrared etc.

Some day this feature will step into the market and most of the corporate establishments will force such a system since they are the ones who are looking to keep the work environment safer and more secure.